With glazed over eyes, staring into the face of the person I was frantically trying to escape conversation with, I grew increasingly annoyed. In my head I was imagining all of the ways to potentially abort the conversation I somehow became trapped in. I kept looking at my watch thinking the person would get the hint, but they remained unfazed.
I thought to myself, I’ve heard this drama a million times before and it gives me anxiety to have to sit and listen to it…AGAIN. I had to appear incredibly impatient at this point. I felt bad, but already had so much running through my mind to even want to hear this mess.
Then it occurred to me, this person right in front of me in this moment, this IS Jesus. Why do I not see Jesus in this person? Where is the Jesus in me? Is this person seeing any resemblance of love in me right now? What is my problem?
Would I ever act so disinterested if Christ in the flesh were standing before me? I sure hope the answer would be no.
However, there is a huge disconnect between the way I was thinking and acting in the conversation I was having and with the way I would treat Jesus Christ.
The problem with that?
Christ is in each one of us. Living and dwelling within each of us. He is no more in me than in the person I was so irritated with. In realizing this, I began to look differently at the face of the person I was standing with. I began to picture the face of Christ in the face of the person I was talking to and my mindset began to shift. I felt bad for trying so hard to brush off the conversation. If Christ is in this person, then I need to act like it.
The next time you are in a conversation and you grow increasingly irritated, imagine the face of Christ in the face of the person you are conversing with. Give it a try, you’ll likely want to re-evaluate your actions and thoughts.
Very good inspiration for this morning. I need to do this sometimes.