Why are we always so afraid to step outside of our comfort zone? Why are we always so timid to change things up in our life? Why do we seek routine and get all bent out of shape if our plan for the day gets messed up?
Friday morning I was up bright and early (well, the sun wasn’t even up yet so it technically wasn’t bright, but it was sure early) so I could attend Jon Acuff’s inaugural 5Club meeting. Did you catch the “5” in 5Club? That means this meeting began at 5:00AM. If it began at 5:00AM, that means I was up before 4:00AM in order to make it there in time. Already not my normal routine.
What, you ask, is the 5Club? An appointment to be accountable for my dreams and goals, an appointment in a room filled with others dying to live out their own dreams and goals. The meeting was awesome! It was motivating and encouraging and gave me a little framework to keep myself accountable and begin working towards my dreams and goals one step at a time, because, “how do you eat an elephant?” One bite at a time.
If you’ve never heard of Jon Acuff, you MUST read his blog. I follow it and absolutely love it! Actually, a great friend of mine was so kind to turn me on to Jon’s blog so I’m doing the same for you. It will change your life – or at least your perspective on life, which will then change your life.
Anyway…back to the title and introductory paragraph of this post. Jon said something at 5Club on Friday morning that has resonated with me ever since. He said, “boring is always available.” How true is that? If you decide to pursue your dreams and goals (even those dreams and goals that seem a bit ridiculous to other people and maybe even you yourself), and end up failing… well, you can always go back to boring. So true.
Don’t be satisfied with boring. Give ridiculous a try. If it doesn’t work, at least you tried. And, hey, you can always go back to boring.
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