If you want to be great at something, you have to get rid of all the distractions and all the excuses. To excel you must practice. You have to put in the hard work and the long hours. To improve and become better you have to be able to take criticism, discern what is constructive and what is destructive and use it as fuel to your fire.
I’ve often been victim to a mentality which tells me I can do it all. I want to excel in all things, not just some things. Reality simply does not allow the time or capacity to excel at all things. Sure, we can be involved in much, but if we want to be truly successful we should harness our greatest gifts and drive forward leading with the greatest gift we’ve been given. It is in our greatest gifts that we find our purpose and our greatest opportunity to minister.
Sharpen your greatest gift. Nurture it, practice it, possess it, desire it. Become what you were created to be. Drop the excuses and cut out the distractions.
Choose the narrow path and be great at it.
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