We often think, “I have the rest of my life to do this or that.” But how long will the rest of your life actually last? You have no way of knowing. It could be another day or another 20 years. I don’t know, you don’t know, no one knows. There is no way of telling, and many people don’t actually get to a point in life where there are strong indications that today may be their last day, it just simply ends.
Don’t put off today what you were meant to do. But how do we know what we were meant to do?
I’m not referring to a career or a calling. I’m referring to something we were all created to do.
We were all meant to love and be loved. Spend your life striving to love more and to love better. That’s all that really matters anyway.
***In loving memory of Cindy Flum – 4.10.13 – you are loved and missed, my dear friend. I’m grateful to know that you are now in the hands of the One who has taught us how to love.***
Thanks Jackie, you have put into words what so many of us are thinking today.
Been thinking about you a lot, Nancy. Love to you! See you tonight.
What I miss the most is his love. Not, as much, the advice he gave me or time he spent with me, or the hundreds of things he did for me, etc. etc. etc. I miss the love he gave me, Grandpa’s. I miss that look on his face and that feeling. You are right, love and love well. It is what we will remember, how someone made you feel. Love you, Jackie! Mary Ann
Mary Ann,
Thanks for sharing that. I’ve been thinking about that a lot. Am I loving well? What would I miss most about the ones who are closest to me? All that matters is how we love. I need to spend more time thinking about how I make others feel. Am I making them feel loved? There is a girl that I work with whom I treasure so much… because she does this well. She makes you feel so special when you talk to her. I can do that. We all can.
I agree with both of you! I’m learning how to love by those around me that are so good at showing their love to me. Sometimes I have to remind myself that the people around me can’t hear the thoughts in my head of how I love them and appreciate them – we have to put those thoughts into words so people know. I don’t want people to have to question that.