For months now while at Mass I have sat in the pew reminiscing the way I used to be when I would attend Mass. For years and years, I would inconspicuously walk in the back door and grab a seat in one of the pews in the back. That is, when I would show up. For a few years in my life, regretfully, my church attendance got pretty spotty.
Even if I did make it in the building, I can’t say I participated much. When the congregation would sing, I would softly mumble the words, barely move my lips or just flat out sit silently not even attempting to put in any effort. Throughout Mass when it was time to respond I’d again mumble.
The reason for my lack of participation was two-fold. One reason was that I was being lazy and just didn’t know enough about what truly happens at Mass. The other reason is I was so worried I’d mess up words or music and make myself look like a fool. Fear and insecurity have held me back for years in a lot of things. Sadly, they’ve even kept me from fully participating in the Mass.
When you believe something with all of your heart, how do you act? You scream it from the rooftops, you share it, you live it, you breathe it, you SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT with conviction and certainty. For years, I had so not been doing that.
Slowly, I’ve come to realize I need to confidently voice what I believe during the Mass when we are called to respond. Mass is, after all, one giant prayer of thanksgiving and communion. Over time, I’ve been working on deliberately taking myself out of my comfort zone in many ways and this is one of them.
It will give you the opportunity to reinforce what you believe in. It gives you an opportunity to drench yourself in the Truth. It gives you an opportunity to be bold and brave in your faith.
I know I’ll spend my whole life trying to get things right and I still have so far to go, but what I do know is that one step forward in the right direction each day means you are one step farther away from the old you. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go back to the old me.
Let’s make progress on becoming better people. Whether it’s during Mass or not, when you’re called to voice your beliefs, SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT.
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