Remember When?
Remember when there weren't any cell phones and you had to call a landline to speak with someone? Furthermore, do you remember how certain rules of etiquette went hand-in-hand with having a landline phone? Here are …
Remember when there weren't any cell phones and you had to call a landline to speak with someone? Furthermore, do you remember how certain rules of etiquette went hand-in-hand with having a landline phone? Here are …
On January 31, 2013, the world lost one of my heroes, and Heaven gained a saintly man. If I could live my life half as lovingly, humbly, and honorably as my Grandpa Alfons J. Stammen, …
The only thing that matters is "the main thing." "The main thing" should be what we center the rest of our lives around. If you are constantly chasing "the main thing," you are moving in …
Our culture, our world teaches us "every man for himself" and "if it won't help me, why should I care?" Just think of the atmosphere such a mentality creates. People help one another less, have …
Choose your words wisely. A friend once told me this little analogy: The things we say are like the feathers within a pillow. If you go outside on a windy day and rip the pillow open, …
I'm a wife and a mother to two beautiful girls. When I started this blog in 2012 I was neither of those things. Wow! Life has changed! When this blog began I was looking for an outlet, a way to grow in my faith, and hopefully help others do the same.
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