Step outside of yourself for a minute and take a look at your life from the perspective of someone else. How do you spend your time? What does one week look like in the day of the life of you?
It literally took me looking at my life from another person’s perspective a few years ago to realize how out of whack my life was. It still is in some ways, but hey, I’m a work in progress.
What do I mean by out of whack? I had always considered myself a pretty good Christian. I’ve always been a believer, I went to Church on Sundays and talked with God on what I considered to be a regular basis (which really was an as-needed basis – as in, when I needed something). Forcing myself to look at my life from the eyes of someone else (from the eyes of someone that has no clue what is going on in my head and heart) I was then forced to realize that the way I chose to spend my time, was indicating that God was not a priority.
Wake up, run/workout, go to work, go to social activity/sport, go home and go to bed. Yup that was pretty much it, other than the everyday mundane tasks of life that were sprinkled in the midst of this routine. Looking at my regular weekday life from another angle, I realized something was missing. Something major. That something was actually a someone. I was definitely neglecting that someone. That someone was God.
But I visited Him every weekend in Church? Wasn’t that good enough? You tell me. Do you think visiting God once on the weekend is good enough for God? Do you think God would say, yeah, once a week is fine I don’t want to see or hear from you again until next Sunday?
I’ve said it once before and I’ll say it again, God doesn’t want the least from us, He wants the best from us.
We have to work on our relationship with God like we would with any of our human relationships. We work on those relationships by being present in the lives of one another. Whether we are present physically or present by phone calls, Skype, emails and letters, we have to work hard to be present in the lives of the people that we love.
What are you doing to work on your daily relationship with God? Are you going to God through daily prayer? Are you in communication with Him throughout the day? Do you find Him in Scripture (His love letters to us)?
What does your life reveal to you about yourself? How you spend your time reveals where your values lie. What do you value more than God?
Great post! I remember hearing once “if you want to know if you live your life for God, check your calendar!” Scheduling time to serve others and read scripture is so critical to our mission here on Earth- yet can be so hard to do! Thanks for the reminder and thanks for sharing! 🙂
I like that saying, Jenny! You’re right, serving is such a huge part of that too, can’t believe I didn’t mention that as well! Thanks for reading and leaving your comments! Good to hear from you:-)
I have found that I think about myself a lot. Rush, rush, rush…. “I” am in a big hurry, “I” need to do this, etc… sometimes I wouldn’t bother to wait and hold the door for someone, or I would practically race to the door so I could get there faster. Soooo weird I know, but now that I see what I was doing, I am remembering to at least hold the door for someone. And… boy, it gives you lots of opportunities to talk with people. Look what I was missing!
Uh, yes, me too! I must decrease, He must increase!